Green Spinach Extract

Supporting Healthy Energy Levels and Nitrate Production

Green Spinach Extract

Supporting Healthy Energy Levels and Nitrate Production

NitrateBurst® is the first green leaf spinach extract formulated to deliver your diet’s daily cardiovascular supplement and exercise-boosting source of plant-based nitrates. Dietary-, or phytonitrates are nitric oxide precursors or donor actives. Nitric oxide whether produced internally or delivered through the diet in the form of phytonitrates, are requisite nutrients for optimal cell signaling, blood pressure regulation, blood composition and flowability, performance and energy production.

As one of the highest sources of dietary nitrates available, green spinach (Spinach oleracea) leaves are meticulously sourced to exceed compliancy for pesky pesticide residues, tested and then concentrated in a proprietary, solvent-free extraction method to provide the 9% phytonitrate and 13% plant-based potassium specification for NitrateBurst®.

Dietary nitrates delivered by NitrateBurst® are activated in the mouth and downstream in the stomach and absorbed directly into the bloodstream. As compared to the primary, endogenous pathway of delivering NO- to the tissues, eNOS (endothelial Nitric Oxide synthesis), the phytonitrate pathway is oxygen independent, and less apt to disruption by aging and chronic disease. The eNOS system requires an optimally working enzyme system, oxygen, and substrate precursors like arginine/citrulline, among other cofactors.

When healthy, the eNOS pathway can maintain a daily NO- requirement of ~0.05 grams/day in adults, including nitric oxide’s contribution to energy production, cardiovascular function, neurotransmission, immune defense and performance. However, when the eNOS system is impaired, such as with aging, low grade inflammation, oxidative stress, or a deficient diet (B2, B3, etc.), and/or low, daily fruit and vegetable consumption the body will suffer due to insufficient NO- availability. Similarly, intense utility of NO- such as in elite athletes, during extreme sports, or prolonged activity, can cause concomitant oxygen lack, that despite adequate arginine, will lead to a supply-and-demand mismatch. In the case of performance efforts, such shortage can interfere with continued output.

NitrateBurst® can supplement the diet to support healthy blood pressure and cardiovascular health by taking up the slack of an impaired endothelial Nitric Oxide system (eNOS), while also helping to power intense exercise bouts, as an oxygen-independent route to more energy and greater performance.


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  • Capsules
  • Tablets
  • Sachet
  • Tub with scoop
  • Ready to Drink beverage


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Nitrate Burst™ has not yet been evaluated as a phytonitrate in clinical trials. However, supportive literature substantiates the following claims in the dose range of 1-2g/d NitrateBurst:

  • Support vascular health
  • Promotes healthy cardiovascular function
  • Maintains blood pressure (already within normal range)
  • Support, normal healthy elasticity of arteries
  • Promote athletic endurance
  • Bioavailable source of plant-nitrates
  • Promotes healthy cellular energy
  • Maximize muscle energy and performance


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Nitrate Burst is a green spinach (Spinach oleracea) aqueous extract, delivering 90 mg of phytonitrates per 1 g dose. The 9% nitrate standardized extract also delivers 13% vegetable-sourced potassium.


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The literature describes spinach extracts as being “generally nontoxic for human consumption” (Fleming T, 2000), with anecdotal use in fresh and dry preparations for a variety of concerns dating back many years. “No health hazard or side effects are known to be associated with the proper administration of designated therapeutic doses”.(Lomnitski L et al, 2003)

Some recorded concerns regarding the connection between over consumption of high nitrate containing foods and increased cancer risk, mediated through high nitrosamines circulated in early literature. However, in more recent studies (Karwowska M, 2020) this toxicity concern has been refuted in high vegetable and fruit-containing nitrates sources (phytonitrates) given their coexistence with naturally-occurring, neutralizing antioxidants. Antioxidants have been found to stabilize nitrates and inhibit the formation of nitrosamines intermediates.

Oxylates are naturally concentrate in green spinach. The content is lower in younger leaves versus more mature leaves. Oxylates are difficult for the kidney to manage in high concentration, thus can be of concern for some compromised individuals.  However, Nitrate Burst offers a low oxylate content per suggested 1-2g/day dose.

Fleming T (ed): PDR for Herbal Medicines, 2nd ed. Montvale, NJ: Medical Economics Company, Inc., 2000, pp 712–713.

Lomnitski L, et al. Nutr Cancer. 2003;46(2):222-31. doi: 10.1207/S15327914NC4602_16.

Karwowska M. Antioxidants 20209(3), 241;

Clinical Research

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NitrateBurst™ has not yet been evaluated as a phytonitrate in clinical trials. However, numerous published articles on spinach (green and red) preparations that deliver equivalent doses of 1-2g/day (~90-180 mg) of NitrateBurst, support the aforementioned claims.

Please contact our team to receive more detailed information on the supportive studies.  

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